Guide to Explore Paris in 2 days


We are back from yet another adventure and are ready to narrate tonnes of travel stories again. This spring, we spent 3 weeks in Europe exploring France and 4 of the Scandinavian Countries – Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. The first country we began with was France. Following write-up is focused on our experience at Paris and how we managed to explore a major part of the city in 2 days. We are going to post separate journals for each of the 4 countries we visited during this trip.

Paris, so to speak is all about culture, architecture, history, patisseries, museums and all sorts of good things. Paris, being a major hub connecting a lot of countries together gives you many chances to explore the city during your flight’s long layover. We purposely, took a 2 day lay over in Paris while traveling to Denmark so as to explore this magnificent city.

Paris is a hustling city, always busy with tourists and well dressed people. The place is rightly called as the City of Love for it is full of beautiful sites, museums, buildings that are overflowing with culture and warmth. That is surely going to fill you with love and make you fall in love with the city. Above everything, the breathtaking Eiffel Tower is the Epitome of the city’s beauty and is surely going to leave you spellbound by its first sight itself.

We started our journey from North Carolina,USA in a direct flight to Paris. Its an 8 hours journey and went by pretty fast (we slept through most part of the flight). We deliberately selected a night flight so that can sleep through the travel time and reach Paris in the morning, refreshed and well-slept.

Our idea of exploring Paris was to do all the touristy stuff as well as try all its local food and wine. We figured that it would be best if we buy the 2-day Paris Pass to tour around on our own as a typical Paris Pass includes entry to all of the major attractions and museums along with the local transport – both bus and subway and can turn out to be very economical if used with a good planning. It also includes fast track entries for some of the attractions. You can know more about the Pass inclusions in this link. Most of the attractions we covered during our visit were covered within the Paris Pass.

Day 1

Our first day in Paris started with us picking up the travel Pass from its ticket counter near the central Paris. It’s pretty challenging to understand their public transport due to language barrier but with the blessings of google maps, we were able to commute with great ease.

After grabbing our passes, we walked to the home of the famous Mona Lisa – The Louvre Museum. Louvre, being the world’s largest art museum is enormous and requires a whole day for itself. It looks so beautiful that it is no less than a monument. Following the paper maps provided at the help desk and the signs, we reached the place of exhibit for Da Vinci Masterpiece – Mona Lisa. It is placed in a big room just for itself and is usually crowded by visitors like us. Honestly, it is tinier than we expected and have seen in the pictures and is a little over rated. After clicking a few pictures for our Instagram and selfies, we moved ahead and toured the museum for another hour, looking around at all these too-good-to-be-real paintings by so many artists.

The Louvre Museum

After all this inspiration, we hit the street for some local food and hogged on some strawberry crepes, pizza and ice cream on the way to our next stop i.e. Les Caves du Louvre Wine Tasting.

Crepes from Local Food Carts
A local food cart outside Louvre

They offered an hour long tour and let us try 3 of their amazing wines. We were even offered to take 1 Wine bottle of our choice with us. We totally enjoyed this experience of trying some of these Parisian Wines and let’s face it, we felt positively overwhelmed to get 2 whole bottles of wine from them.

Les Caves du Louvre Wine Tasting

Our next stop was Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris. We were lucky to have reached at the time of its evening service and made it in to witness the beautiful service. As pretty it looked from outside, it felt all the more serene inside. We clicked a zillion pictures of the Cathedral and none of the pictures did justice to what we saw with our eyes. All the time we spent there was spent in soaking in all the beauty of this cathedral. 

Evening service at Notre Dame

It was almost the end of the day and we headed to take an hour long Seine River Cruise which starts at the harbour located close to the Eiffel Tower. We wanted to take the evening cruise to have a night tour of the city. The moment we arrived at the harbour, we were welcomed by the twinkling lights of Eiffel Tower.

River Seine
Seine River Cruise

Seeing Eiffel tower from our own eyes was the most exhilarating experience of our lives and the moment gave us goosebumps. We have heard tonne of stories about the experience at Eiffel Tower from our friends and family who have visited Paris and seeing it ourselves was very special to us. We continued to enjoy watching Eiffel Tower even from the cruise, it went from completely dark to completely lit in golden lights and then again to twinkling. As we sailed past the city center, we saw a lot of people enjoying by the riverside with food and beer. I wish we had enough time to have done that too but for now, we have added that to the list of things to do on our second visit. Exploring the city through that cruise was definitely a great idea, except for the fact that we had to climb down the deck after sometime due to freezing cold outside.

We also wanted to catch the Eiffel Tower during the daytime and decided to come again the next day for a daytime view. We had one more thing left to do that day as per our plan which was watching the city view from the top of Montparnasee Tower but we were too exhausted and starved. Hence, we decided to call it a day after grabbing dinner at a nearby French Patisserie.

Day 2

We just had a half day to explore Paris because we were flying to Denmark in the evening. We started the day with a typical french breakfast – Croissants, Baguettes, Cheese, Eggs and what not.

Straight after breakfast, we went to Arc De Triomphe, a unique monument formed in the centre of 12 avenues, to celebrate the Victory of Napoleon during World War I. You can view it from all the angles as it is placed in the center of 12 avenues and you can go the top of the monument as well by paying a nominal fee and climbing 280 super-steep stairs. The view from the top is ridiculously amazing. You can walk in circles and have a a wholesome view of the city. We even spotted a lot of other important sites from the top including Eiffel Tower. 

Arc De Triomphe
A Panoramic view from the top of Arc De Triomphe. We could cover only 5 avenues here, needed a bigger frame for covering all 12. 😀
View from the top of Arc De Triomphe

We got on the hop-on hop off bus and went straight to the Eiffel Tower to catch a day view of this epic site. It was as beautiful as it looked during the night time!

catch a day view of this epic site. It was as beautiful as it looked during the night time!

We got on the bus once again, passed through the shopping street and traced Louis Vuitton and other premium brand stores while heading to our last spot which was the Opera national de Paris. We completed its hour long tour and went straight to the airport to catch our flight.

The Opera House

Other Recommendations

There are a bunch of other spots that we wanted to cover during this trip, but it wasn’t possible due to the time constraints. We are leaving a short note below with all our recommendations apart from what we mentioned above.

If we had more time, we would have loved to cover at least one out of the Lido Show or Moulin Rouge show. These shows get booked pretty quickly and needs to be pre-booked before arriving. For the people who are interested in doing a local food tour in Paris, there are a variety of tours provided by many companies. Our recommendation goes to the Secret Food Tours that conducts tour in small numbers of people and help you try a mouthful of dishes at a very reasonable price. You can find out more about them here.

For those interested in catching the city view from little less populated places can go to the top of Montparnasee Tower. Another place with a rood top view is Galeries Lafayette, which is actually a beautiful shopping mall – a work of art in itself, selling all high-end brands. It has a food court at the top and has a city view to die for. Another highly recommended roof top view is from our very favorite Eiffel Tower. Tickets for the top of Eiffel Tower are sold separately and are not included in the Paris Pass.

Last but not the least, our last recommendation is about how you chose to explore Paris. The way we toured around was more of a traditional way – using the public transport. You can also see around Paris by riding a Vespa that is quite popular in Paris. In these Vespa tour, you will be given a Vespa to ride and your personal guide will make you drive around Paris along with him showing all the major attractions in a day. It is a great and fun way to explore Paris and is most certainly on our go to list for next time. We are including a link for a popular Vespa Tour company in Paris here. There are Electric scooters throughout the City as well, provided by different companies like Voi that are also very fun and cheap to explore the city and are easy to drive as well.

Hope this helps you plan your visit in Paris!! Feel free to reach out to us in case of any questions.

Until the time we talk again, Happy Traveling!!

Top 3 Christmas Lights in North Carolina that you shouldn’t miss in 2018

  1. First and the best spot is reserved for NC Chinese Lantern Festival Cary. This festival happens at Koka Booth Amphitheater, Cary NC. This is created with millions of lights and takes up to 1 month to setup. This year, they also kept some live exhibits along with the stationery ones that add to the experience. There are performances happening every hour by different Chinese artists that are very entertaining.We took about an hour and a half to explore the exhibits despite the freezing cold evening. There were heaters installed near the stage and we tried to stay as close to them as possible. 😀 Festival draws enough attention from the locals, keeping the place packed and taking pictures of the exhibits, a tricky business. Best part of the festival are the horoscope arches that showcase Chinese birth signs and their respective personality traits. As a customary ritual, we stood by our birth sign and took a nice picture for our memories.

    You would also find stores of local Chinese Artisans who brought their hand made products for sale. We bought a couple of them for our souvenir collection.

    Find other fun facts about the show here.

    Our favorite exhibits from the festival are of the swans and dragons that were installed on the water. Their reflection on the water made them look like a treat to eyes. This show will be on until January 13, 2019 so do drop by and experience these magical exhibits.

    Here’s a short video we created from the pictures we managed to click at the lights show.

    Chinese Lantern Festival NC, 2018

  2. Second one goes to Lake Myra Christmas Lights. This is a light show created by a local resident at Wendell, NC and is free for public viewing. There are lights show every few minutes  and it is absolutely mesmerizing. Here are some of the pictures from the show. Similar to Lantern Festival, this place takes about 6 weeks to be setup and have millions of lights installed that changes colors every minutes. Santa pays visit every Saturday evening. These lights are running only until December 31, 2018 so you have very less time left for it.Refer to its website for more info. Also, check the weather check on its facebook page before visiting. They usually are closed during rains.



3. Last but not the least is the Piper’s Lights at Wake Forest, NC. This is also a family run show which has been going on for over 30 years now Its spread over 7-acres and is a drive through lights show so you can just sit in your car and enjoy the view. We have a sunroof in our car so the wife stood by it and enjoyed the lights from the car roof top.

Follow their updates on their facebook page at Website to see their opening hours. They also run a free train ride and a candy store in their premises. Also, Santa pays visits quite a few times here so definitely a place to take your kids.

They are running until January 2nd, 2019 so hurry up and enjoy the experience before they close down for the season!


Hope you like this list and we hope to get more interesting stuff to you through our future posts!

Happy Holidays everyone! 🙂 

Horse Shoe Bend – Page, Arizona, USA

On our way to Antelope Canyon from Bryce Canyon National Park, we stopped at the Horse-Shoe Bend which is located just by the town – Page, Arizona right on the highway 89. Highway 89 between Utah and Arizona is a scenic drive where you get to see parts of Colorado River and Lake Powell on your side and several other view points in between like Horseshoe Bend, Lake Powell, Glen Canyon Dam.

We read somewhere that it is usually crowded all day and should be visited super early in the morning if you want to beat the crowd. We took the advice and here we are at 9 am entering a packed parking where we struggled a bit to find a parking spot. Guess, 9 am is also not early enough!

It is a half mile hike in the desert to get to the view-point from the parking lot. It is a must to carry at least 1 bottle of water each by every hiker on the way and wear closed toe shoes to keep yourself safe. It gets extremely hot during the day and even though it is a short hike, it is no less than at least a mile long walk as you are walking in a desert which takes an additional effort to walk. There are chances to get heat stroke while hiking at all of these places. We have even seen a couple of people getting sick and getting picked up by EMS’s so heed all the precautions recommended by the rangers.

We managed to complete the hike and reached this magnificent rock formation carved by the great Colorado river. I attach a picture below, clicked by us. Looking at the picture, I feel no camera could do any justice to the actual view we saw with our eyes. I highly recommend visiting this place to everyone who are around Arizona or Utah. It’s very convenient to get here if you have a car.


By the time we were leaving from the parking, there was a long cars queue, waiting to get in and find a parking spot, blocking the highway 89. Fortunately, we came early and left before it became insanely crazy.


More blogs and itineraries coming up soon from our recent Nevada-Utah-Arizona trip. Stay tuned!

Our very own YouTube Channel

Hello people!

We have launched our official YouTube Channel today by posting a sunset time lapse video from Shenandoah National Park.

Like and subscribe and stay tuned!

P.S. – This was just a test post and we will be posting more interesting video from our travel diaries soon to keep you glued to our channel!

That Outdoorsy Couple

A smoothie a day, keeps the doctor away!

Hi All!

Today, we are posting a quick recipe for green smoothie that we drink daily, first thing in the morning! It is like an energy source for us and has been a part of our morning regime since past 6 months now. Smoothie can be a great source of energy and nutrition by adding a mix of different fruits and vegetables. With a busy life, it is tough to follow a strict and healthy diet and a smoothie is an amazing way to include all the necessary fruits and vegetables as a part of your meal. You can chose from a variety of ingredients for your smoothie like Spinach, Kale, Mint, Basil, Carrot, Strawberries, Blueberries, Orange, Banana, Apple, Pear, Papaya, Watermelon, Mango, Kiwi, Avocado, Ginger, Yoghurt, Ice Cream, Cashew milk, Almond Milk, Whole Milk, Pistachios, Pecans, etc. It is all about choosing the right mix so you make a drinkable smoothie for yourself. Usually, people hate to eat the greens which are so healthy so you can add fruits in it to give it some natural sweetness and pleasant taste.

Typically, me and my husband like to add these ingredients in the smoothie with Almond/Cashew Milk or Whole Milk:

1 Cup Greens – spinach/kale or a mix of all greens
1 Banana
4-5 Strawberries
7-8 Blueberries
4-5 Almonds/Cashews
1/4 cup Yoghurt (You can add flavored yoghurt for enhancing the taste)


We keep switching the ingredients every day to make it more interesting and non-mundane.

This mixture is a powerful source of Potassium, Chlorophyll, Antioxidants, Vitamins and Fibre. It has great benefits like:

  1. Interesting way to intake fruits and vegetables
  2. Improves Immunity
  3. Boosts Energy
  4. Helps reduce weight by reducing the calorie intake below 1000 (When you replace a meal with this)
  5. It is filling and is an excellent breakfast option
  6. Source of Antioxidants
  7. Help lower cholesterol levels and high blood pressure
  8. Improves skin, hair and nails
  9. Good for digestive system

Something with so many benefits that require such less effort is definitely worth a thought and introduction in your daily regimes!

Stay Healthy, Eat Healthy! 🙂


Food Food!

Hi All!

After the great response on our first blog, we are now posting a quick recipe of an Indian curry, that we made with the special spices from Seasonality Spices Co. They supply all Natural, Vegan and Organic spices at really nominal prices. We got a sampler pack for trial with Keralaw Masala and Red New Orleans Spice.


One is an ethnic Indian spice, generally used while cooking Lentils and vegetable curries, while second one is a very common spice added to Cajun Food. We were so excited to try these out and decided to cook a famous Indian curry – Sambhar using the Keralaw Spice.

We used a quick recipe, added this spice instead of the Sambhar Masala and ate it with an Indian rice cake called Idli and Coconut Chutney. This is extremely easy to make if you have a pressure cooker or an instant pot. It takes slightly longer if you are using a sauce pan. Find the recipe in the link – Sambhar Recipe. Here’s how our curry looked and it tasted like heaven! <nom><nom>


Thank you Seasonality Spices Co. for gifting these spices to us. Stay tuned for another cool recipe made with the Cajun Spice.

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